
Free for apple instal My Music Collection
Free for apple instal My Music Collection

  • Index bars and search for quick access in large music collections.
  • Personal details per music item or album including Loaned, Purchase Price, Purchase Date, Date Added, Personal Rating, Last Watched, Storage Location, Opened, Notes, Estimated Value, and more.
  • Store up to four pictures per item or album, including front, back, and inside images of music items.
  • Extra features like colored Themes, Dark Mode support, and more.
  • Format your Titles with A, An, or The removed.
  • Share your music collection with friends or on social media like Facebook and Twitter.
  • Supports input in any language and allows selections of any country and currency.
  • Sync across multiple devices, including iPad, iPhone, Mac, and more.
  • Full barcode scanning and database search.
  • Loaded with millions of music items and albums from around the world in our database.
  • Manage and inventory CDs, vinyl records, cassette tapes, 8-track, reel-to-reel, digital files, and so much more.
  • Scan in or search for any music item you own or want and add them to your lists. This app works on all device sizes and syncs directly with our iPhone, iPad, Mac apps, as well as our apps on other platforms.

    free for apple instal My Music Collection

    ICollect Music is the #1 app on the Apple App Store for managing your music and album collection or inventory, whether at home, work, or school.

    Free for apple instal My Music Collection