
Vray benchmark scores
Vray benchmark scores

vray benchmark scores

Through a standalone executable, users can run V-Ray Benchmark to see how well their system performs rendering sample scenes for a fixed amount of time without. The Blender Benchmark can be downloaded for Windows, Mac, and Linux here. V-Ray Benchmark is an application that tests your system resources to measure how well your system renders V-Ray scenes using both the CPU and the GPU (s). The combination of a high number of CUDA-Cores, OptiX support, and (if your scenes are complex) a large VRAM pool, grants the highest render performance in Blender’s Cycles Render Engine. GTX GPUs don’t have RT Cores, so these score considerably lower in this GPU Benchmark. Nvidia RTX GPUs support OptiX, which is an SDK that accelerates rendering through the use of raytracing cores. You’ll find the BMW Scene completes after just a couple of minutes on most modern CPUs. The reason this scene is used most often is that rendering the entire benchmark suite with all scenes takes quite a while. The list above shows the CPU Ranking when rendering the first and most popular benchmark Scene “bmw27”.

vray benchmark scores

Blender’s CPU Render Benchmark test is based on one of Blender’s in-built Render Engines, “Cycles”.

Vray benchmark scores